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Photoshop Cs6 Match Font

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The vertical space between lines of type iscalled leading (rhymes with sledding). ForRoman type, leading is measured from the baseline of oneline of text to the baseline of the line above it. The baseline isthe invisible line on which most letters sit. You can apply morethan one leading amount within the same paragraph; however, thelargest leading value in a line of type determines the leading valuefor that line.

  1. Photoshop Cs6 How To Match Font
  2. Photoshop Cs6 Match Font Dafont
  3. Photoshop Cs6 Match Font Tutorial
  4. Photoshop Fonts For Free
  5. Adobe Photoshop Fonts Folder

Cara Menambahkan Font ke Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop adalah salah satu perangkat lunak (software) manipulasi gambar terbaik di dunia. Perangkat lunak ini digunakan oleh pekerja amatir dan juga profesional.

  • Much like layer styles, you simply format a text layer how you'd like it then click the little 'new' icon at the bottom of one of the style panels. This will create a new style. When you then wish to format text to look like that style, simply highlight the text layer and click the style in.
  • Adobe Fonts partners with the world's leading type foundries to bring thousands of beautiful fonts to designers every day. No need to worry about licensing, and you can use fonts from Adobe Fonts on the web or in desktop applications.
  • The Photoshop font effects work best in CS6 but can also be used with various versions of Photoshop. Photoshop text effect tutorials and text design tutorials are a great way to jump-start your Photoshop knowledge. They break down the basics while giving you access to.


When working with horizontalAsian type, you can specify how leading is measured, either frombaseline to baseline or from the top of one line to the top of the next.

Five-point type with 6‑point leading (left) and with 12‑pointleading (right)

  1. Select the characters you want to change.If you don't select any text, the leading applies to new text youcreate.
  1. Choose Justification from the Paragraphpanel menu.

Kerning isthe process of adding or subtracting space between specific pairsof characters. Tracking is the process of looseningor tightening the spacing between the characters in selected textor an entire block of text.


Values for kerning and trackingaffect Japanese text but normally these options are used to adjustthe aki between Roman characters.

You can automatically kern type using metrics kerning or optical kerning. Metrics kerning (also called auto kerning) uses kern pairs, which are included with most fonts. Kern pairs contain information about the spacing of specific pairs of letters. Some of these are: LA, P., To, Tr, Ta, Tu, Te, Ty, Wa, WA, We, Wo, Ya, and Yo. Metrics kerning is set as the default so that specific pairs are automatically kerned when you import or type text.

Some fonts include robust kern‑pair specifications. However, when a font includes only minimal built‑in kerning or none at all, or if you use two different typefaces or sizes in one or more words on a line, you may want to use the optical kerning option. Optical kerning adjusts the spacing between adjacent characters based on their shapes.

A. Original text B. Text withoptical kerning C. Text with manual kerningbetween W and a D. Text with tracking E. Cumulativekerning and tracking

Youcan also use manual kerning, which is ideal for adjustingthe space between two letters. Tracking and manual kerning are cumulative,so you can first adjust individual pairs of letters, and then tightenor loosen a block of text without affecting the relative kerningof the letter pairs.

When you click to place the insertionpoint between two letters, kerning values appear in the Characterpanel. Similarly, if you select a word or a range of text, the trackingvalues appear in the Character panel.

Tracking and kerningare both measured in 1/1000 em, a unit of measure that is relativeto the current type size. In a 6‑point font, 1 em equals 6 points;in a 10‑point font, 1 em equals 10 points. Kerning and trackingare strictly proportional to the current type size.


Valuesfor kerning and tracking affect Japanese text, but normally these optionsare used to adjust the aki between roman characters.

Photoshop Cs6 How To Match Font

    • To use a font's built‑in kerning information for selected characters, select Metrics for the Kerning option in the Character panel.

    • To automatically adjust the spacing between selected characters based on their shapes, select Optical for the Kerning option in the Character panel.

    • To adjust kerning manually, place an insertion point between two characters, and set the desired value for the Kerning option in the Character panel. (Note that if a range of text is selected, you can't manually kern the text. Instead, use tracking.)


    Press Alt+Left/Right Arrow (Windows) or Option+Left/Right Arrow (Mac OS) to decrease or increase the kerning between two characters.

    • To turn off kerning for selected characters, set the Kerning option in the Character panel to 0 (zero).
  1. Selectthe range of characters or the type object that you want to adjust.

Use Baseline Shift to move selected charactersup or down relative to the baseline of the surrounding text. Shiftingthe baseline is especially useful when you're hand-setting fractionsor adjusting the position of a picture font.

  1. Select the characters or type objects youwant to change. If you don't select any text, the shift appliesto new text you create.
  2. In the Character panel, set the Baseline Shift option.Positive values move the character's baseline above the baselineof the rest of the line; negative values move it below the baseline.

By default, the software uses fractionalcharacter widths between characters. This means that thespacing between characters varies, and will sometimes use only fractionsof whole pixels.

In most situations, fractional characterwidths provide the best spacing for type appearance and readability.However, for type in small sizes (less than 20 points) displayedonline, fractional character widths could cause type to run togetheror have too much extra space, making it difficult to read.

Turnoff fractional widths when you want to fix type spacing in whole-pixelincrements and prevent small type from running together. The fractionalcharacter width setting applies to all characters on a type layer—youcannot set the option for selected characters.

    • To set type spacing for the entire documentin whole-pixel increments, choose System Layout from the Characterpanel menu.

    • To re-enable fractional character widths, chooseFractional Widths from the Character panel menu.

More like this

Shiny, see through, glassy, transparent text definitely has its place. If you are designing a poster, product packaging, social media card or just for fun, glass text is sure to impress. I'm going to show you exactly how to create it in Photoshop CC and it also works on Photoshop 6, 7, CS etc. I have the easy written guide that I wrote a number of years ago, (like 10 or so). I have updated the simple steps to be current and have recorded a brand new video. The written steps will get you up and running, while the video goes more in depth and shows you a number of additional options and variations.

Creating Glass text in Photoshop, an easy step by step guide

In this Photoshop tutorial, we are going to create a transparent glassy effect that allows the background to show thorough.

Step 1

Photoshop Cs6 Match Font

Start with a background. 72dpi and RGB mode.

Step 2

Add some text, here I used galant (

Step 3

Add a layer style by clicking the little 'f' at the bottom of the layers pallette.

Add a dropshadow and a bevel, copy the settings shown here.

Note 2 things here that really make the glass 'pop'

1. Change the contour, this gives the reflected look.
2. uncheck the global light and change the altitude to 53.

A listing of the Layer Style Contours in Photoshop

The layer Style Contour options are in many places in the Layer Styles panel in Photoshop. Here I am going to show you what they are all named and what they look like. Go to the end of this tutorial where I will show you how to create your own custom contours!

This is the sample text we will be using, so you can see the effect of only changing the contour, everything else is the same.

To let you see what each of the contours look like, I have created this chart. Gimp photoshop windows.

Photoshop Layer Style Contour Chart

Ok, back to the tutorial.

Step 4

Here is the result, pretty uninspiring huh?

Step 5

This step is where the magic happens!

In the styles palette, click on the Custom blending options. (you can also do this from the layers panel)

Now pull the fill opacity all the way to 0 and the rabbit comes out of the hat!

Step 6

Here is our glass type.

How to make your own Contour in Adobe Photoshop | Custom Layer Style Contour

As cool as all these presets are, you can really step it up a notch by creating your own custom contour so match the effect you want exactly.

You can find the contours in several places in Photoshop. This is the Layer Styles dialog box.

To edit a contour, click on its thumbnail.

The contour editor will open. To change the settings, drag the points on the curve and imagine the curve is the cross section shape you are making, because it is. The corner box will make a hard edge, if you uncheck the box, it will be a rounded edge.

Your contour will be called custom

Click on new to add it to your list in the editor.

When you are happy with your curve, you can save it, by clicking save

Here I have named it glass and thats it!

Loading Custom Contours into Photoshop

Photoshop Cs6 Match Font Dafont

When you are in the Contour Editor, you can choose the presets from a list under preset, choose custom when you are making your own

To load in custom ones you have created or downloaded, choose Load

Navigate to the contour

Photoshop Cs6 Match Font Tutorial

And its added to your list

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and the extra lesson on creating custom contours. If you haven't watched the companion video at the top, please do because it has a lot of stuff not covered here, the 2 supplement each other. (One of the awesome things about PhotoshopCAFE, we are one of the only Photoshop free tutorial sits that give you BOTH written instruction AND video for most of our tutorials, double the learning).

Photoshop Cs6 Match Font

Start with a background. 72dpi and RGB mode.

Step 2

Add some text, here I used galant (

Step 3

Add a layer style by clicking the little 'f' at the bottom of the layers pallette.

Add a dropshadow and a bevel, copy the settings shown here.

Note 2 things here that really make the glass 'pop'

1. Change the contour, this gives the reflected look.
2. uncheck the global light and change the altitude to 53.

A listing of the Layer Style Contours in Photoshop

The layer Style Contour options are in many places in the Layer Styles panel in Photoshop. Here I am going to show you what they are all named and what they look like. Go to the end of this tutorial where I will show you how to create your own custom contours!

This is the sample text we will be using, so you can see the effect of only changing the contour, everything else is the same.

To let you see what each of the contours look like, I have created this chart. Gimp photoshop windows.

Photoshop Layer Style Contour Chart

Ok, back to the tutorial.

Step 4

Here is the result, pretty uninspiring huh?

Step 5

This step is where the magic happens!

In the styles palette, click on the Custom blending options. (you can also do this from the layers panel)

Now pull the fill opacity all the way to 0 and the rabbit comes out of the hat!

Step 6

Here is our glass type.

How to make your own Contour in Adobe Photoshop | Custom Layer Style Contour

As cool as all these presets are, you can really step it up a notch by creating your own custom contour so match the effect you want exactly.

You can find the contours in several places in Photoshop. This is the Layer Styles dialog box.

To edit a contour, click on its thumbnail.

The contour editor will open. To change the settings, drag the points on the curve and imagine the curve is the cross section shape you are making, because it is. The corner box will make a hard edge, if you uncheck the box, it will be a rounded edge.

Your contour will be called custom

Click on new to add it to your list in the editor.

When you are happy with your curve, you can save it, by clicking save

Here I have named it glass and thats it!

Loading Custom Contours into Photoshop

Photoshop Cs6 Match Font Dafont

When you are in the Contour Editor, you can choose the presets from a list under preset, choose custom when you are making your own

To load in custom ones you have created or downloaded, choose Load

Navigate to the contour

Photoshop Cs6 Match Font Tutorial

And its added to your list

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and the extra lesson on creating custom contours. If you haven't watched the companion video at the top, please do because it has a lot of stuff not covered here, the 2 supplement each other. (One of the awesome things about PhotoshopCAFE, we are one of the only Photoshop free tutorial sits that give you BOTH written instruction AND video for most of our tutorials, double the learning).

Photoshop Fonts For Free

Thanks for checking this out, don't forget to check out our other tutorials here at PhotoshopCAFE, there is a LOT of good stuff in our pages 🙂

Adobe Photoshop Fonts Folder

Don't forget to comment, bookmark this page, share it and sign up for ou weekly mailing list where Ill give you new tutorials!

Colin Smith (PhotoshopCAFE Founder

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